We're going to Velothon Berlin and here's why you should, too

If you happen to be in Berlin this weekend (June 17th and 18th), there's one thing you must do:
Attend VELOTHON Berlin, the Europe's second largest cycling event.
VELOTHON is like a festival for cyclists. Since its premiere in 2008, it has grown into one of the biggest and most popular cycling races on the planet. Today VELOTHON Berlin attracts over 13'000 participants, and even more spectators.
But here's what makes this race really special:
The two routes, which are 60km and 120km long, take in some of the city’s most iconic sights, like Potsdamer Platz, Brandenburg Gate and more. It lets participants experience Berlin's most notable landmarks on two wheels. While competing in the race.
The best part?
All participants get free ''finisher beer'' after the ride.
While cyclists will be competing in the race, visitors and spectators are welcomed to stop by at the 7000 sq. m. expo hall in the city center. There, brands from all over the world will show and tell about the latest trends in cycling and bike accessories.
This year we're super excited that VELOSOCK will be one of those brands.
Therefore, if you're in Berlin in June 17th and 18th don't sit at home (or hotel), but come visit us at the VELOTHON expo hall! We have prepared special discounts and other surprises for everyone stopping by.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with us there, please email us at business@velosock.com or call +371 29166222. Hope to see you there!
More info about VELOTHON: http://www.velothon.com/events/velothon-berlin/the-event.aspx#axzz4jnO8GjBe
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